Two Months Of Stetson Ray


the blog

by sarah elrod

I’m not sure how we got here, but today our son Stetson Ray turns two months old. I am for sure starting to see how parents get emotional when sending their kids off to kindergarten because I am emotional just thinking about how one day he is going to be big enough to do that. (Que the dramatic and sad music). But even though my mama heart cannot stand the thought of my baby getting older, I am filled with so much joy watching him learn new things and cross off milestones. And I feel like this month has been full of them!


The biggest change we have seen in Stetson this past month has been that he is starting to become aware of his surroundings. He notices when you put things in front of his face and he tracks movement with his eyes and sometimes even his whole head. His little neck is already so strong and he is holding it up like a champ! Probably my favorite part of his awareness though is the fact that I can make him smile. Stetson is his happiest after a good nap and a good bottle. And when he is in this happy state, I like to shake his arms or legs and it makes him smile and even sort of laugh. (Yes the first time he did it I had all the tears in my eyes).

I cannot wait for him to get even better at laughing and more aware so that we can really start to have fun with him. His daddy is especially excited for that time to come.


This month I also went back to work photographing weddings. That was such a bittersweet day for me. Luckily Tyler came with me and stayed at a friends house so I did not have to go too far without my baby. But it was a full 8 hours without him and that’s the first time I have done that.

There were tears shed on the car ride out to the wedding, but once I was there it felt good to get back into a somewhat normal job for myself. One that didn’t involve getting puked on or trying to soothe tears. It was my first meal I have had in a few weeks that was warm, and I could sit in a quiet space by myself. How lucky am I to love someone so much that after two months it’s so hard to leave?

So consider this your reminder mama’s, it’s okay to want and need some time away from baby. It doesn’t make you any less of a mother. When you feel good, you are actually going to parent better! Take some time to yourself every now and then!


Tyler and I celebrated our first marriage anniversary on September 4th, 2022. And that is so wild to me that we have been married a year and that we spent most of that first year pregnant with our first child. God is so good and his timing is so perfect. Getting to celebrate a covenant of love with the product of that love was truly one of the best things ever.

My heart has never been more full than it was holding my two sweet boys and snuggling on them.


Now that we have been doing this parenting thing for 2 months now, we have learned a few things that we love, and that make life easier!

Snuggle Me Organic: This thing is a total game changer! It has helped put our little boy to sleep many times and it’s just nice to have something we can set on the couch or bed to lay him in when we need an extra set of hands.

Fisher Price Chair: Holy cow I cannot say enough about this chair. My friend Madi got this for me when I was pregnant and I really didn’t think I would use it as much as I do but wow. This thing is often times the only thing I can get Stetson to nap in during the day. It’s so lightweight and portable and I can carry it with me from one room to another so easily. I love the vibrating feature along with the fact that it rocks, and reclines. Game changer.

Formula Pitcher: For any mamas who formula feed, I highly recommend a pitcher. Instead of having to make a bottle every time your little one needs to feed, you can make 4-5 bottle amounts in one go and pour into a bottle as needed. I love getting to keep one of these in the fridge throughout the day. It saves so much time when you have a hungry and fussy baby.



  1. One Month Of Stetson Ray
  2. Stetson’s Birth Story
  3. Stetson’s Nursery






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I'm Sarah Elrod

The Podcast

Rural Lifestyle



I'm a Cowgirl turned serial entrepreneur.
I'm a horse trainer, western wedding photographer, business coach and ranch wife.
I help women in the western industry grow thriving businesses from rural America.
When I am not strategizing new marketing tactics, you will find me riding my horses, cuddling my cattle dog, or kissing my hot husband.
There is also a good chance I am buying way too many outfits from western boutiques.

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