My Thoughts On Threads And How To Use It As A Business Owner


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by sarah elrod



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Threads is here and I have many thoughts. Are you loving it? Or have you refused to jump on board the Threads train? I’m the type of person to get in early any time there is a new app. I love fresh starts and figuring out algorithms and what kind of content performs well in new spaces. That might actually be the nerdiest thing I have said to date. It is a lot of fun sharing my random thoughts throughout the day on Threads, almost like I would on an IG story, but it feels like way less work because you are not having to talk on video. In this episode, I am going to be talking about what Threads is, why I think it’ll be a successful app unlike others we have seen recently, the positive outcomes it has had so far. Plus, some ideas on what to talk about on the app, and of course, how you can use this app as a business owner.


What Is Threads?


Threads is a brand new text-baed app that was released by Meta that launched on July 5th, 2023. The same company that owns Facebook and Instagram. The CEO of Instagram has said that Threads is essentially a companion app to Instagram. On the very first day of going live, there were over 70 million sign ups. Which makes Threads the fastest growing social media platform in the world. It has a very similar structure to Twitter, and is mostly used for short form text status updates. But with that being said, you can still share photos and videos too. And unlike Twitter, who has a 150 character limit, Threads has a 500 character limit. Game changer for people who have a lot to say… AKA me!

Right now the platform is very simple and does not have a ton of features, but is expected to keep expanding and growing as time goes on. However I would guess that since Threads is directly tied to Instagram, they will not bring over all the same features from Instagram to Threads. Because the 2 apps are intended to be used interchangeably and to compliment each other. Not be replicas. 100 million people signed up for Threads in just five days. Which is absolutely insane. And it also leaves a lot of potential for business owners and brands. Threads is a great platform for business owners to share updates, engage with their audience, and post impactful content.

The Imperfect Launch Of Threads


Something I have loved about the launch of Threads is their overall approach. They launched the app in a “done is better than perfect” kind of way and I am here for it. The CEO of Instagram has come out to acknowledge that the app is not fully developed yet, and may have some flaws that need to be fixed. Some criticisms Threads faced early on was for not including certain features such as a followers-only timeline and the inability to delete accounts. There have also complaints about the platform censoring posts. Which as we all know, should NOT be happening. But nonetheless, It’s cool to see that Meta is asking for real-time feedback from Threads users.


Positive Feedback About Threads


It’s still early on in the game, but there has been a lot of positive feedback on the Threads platform so far. Some of the common things I have seen have been:

  • No bots (as of now)
  • No ability to send DMs (for now)
  • Real engagement, responses, and conversation
  • Less stimulating than Instagram and Tik-Tok
  • You can automatically follow everyone that you follow on Instagram (making it easier to not start from square one)
  • No ads, & fewer visuals
  • There is no expectation aesthetics
  • The approach is very “unfiltered” and most users are sharing their random thoughts


How To Jump On The Threads Train


If you have not joined Threads yet, but are convinced you might want to, here is how to create a Threads account:

  1. Install the Threads app (available for Android or iOS).
  2. Open the app and you’ll be prompted to log in with your Instagram account. Make sure you are logged into your Instagram app too!
  3. Then you customize your profile. Your username is the same one from your Instagram account and cannot be changed. But you can change your bio! And add a link!
  4. Then it will take you to the privacy option screen, where you can make your Threads profile public or private. If you are a business account, I recommend a public profile.
  5. Then, you’ll be asked if you want to follow the same accounts you follow on Instagram. You can choose yes or no!

And that’s it!


Using Threads As A Business Owner


If you are using Threads for your business, or even for personal use. Or a mix of both! It’s important to go into it with some sort of plan in mind. No, you don’t have to think out every single post, but you do need to understand that this is one more platform that is taking up your time. So it is important to see that there is some kind of return of investment. Whether it is bringing you more income, or even just giving you some entertainment.


Here are some ideas for how you can use Threads as a business owner:


  • Testing new content ideas: Threads is a great place to ask your audience about new ideas, topics, or thoughts and see what they align with, or want more of. Saving you the hassle of guessing what they might need or want.
  • Connection and conversation is key: The platform is still new and people are enjoying how casual it feels. Don’t be the person jumping on there and selling a bunch of your offers. Conversions can come later. Right now focus on building engagement with your audience.
  • Get Personal: Every time a new platform rolls out, people talk about how they want less curation and strategy and more realness. Be a real person on this app, not just a business and marketing robot.
  • Offer Quick Wins: This app is intended for short form written content. You want your posts to be easily digestible and valuable. Teach your followers something new, inspire them, or even just entertain them.
  • Public Customer Help: Since DMs do not currently exist on the app, all communication is made very public. Threads can be a great place to publicly offer help and support to clients or customers.
  • Respond To Other Threads To Grow: Currently, the best way to grow on Threads is by engagement and responding to Threads other users are making, outside of just the people you follow.

Content Ideas For Threads


While the best kind of content on a fast paced platform like Threads is just whatever random thought you might be having in that moment, I know some of us need a little more structure at times. So here are a few content ideas you can use on Threads:

  1. Share Quotes: When in doubt, share a quote from someone you know, look up to, or are inspired by. Or even someone in your life. I share quotes my husband Tyler says all the time because I think he is pretty hilarious.
  2. Challenge Your Audience: It can be something simple like challenging them to pay it forward or something harder, offer a challenge to your followers on something they can do today.
  3. Ask Questions: By asking questions to your followers, you are inviting engagement which is the name of the game on Threads right now. Ask people questions that cause them to respond with answers. (Tip: make it something personal, people love talking about themselves!)
  4. Behind The Scenes: Bring behind behind the curtain into your life. Personal or business! Show them what your current view is. Let people feel like they are seeing something they couldn’t find anywhere else.
  5. Controversy: Similar to asking questions, you can make bold statements that may be controversial. This can be something super serious like politics, or something more lighthearted. For example “I hate coffee!” can be very controversial since most people tend to enjoy it.


And that’s about it so far when it comes to Threads! I want to hear your thoughts! Do you love the app so far? What features do you want to be added? Join the conversation over at @brandedcowgirlpodcast on Instagram!













I'm Sarah Elrod

The Podcast

Rural Lifestyle



I'm a Cowgirl turned serial entrepreneur.
I'm a horse trainer, western wedding photographer, business coach and ranch wife.
I help women in the western industry grow thriving businesses from rural America.
When I am not strategizing new marketing tactics, you will find me riding my horses, cuddling my cattle dog, or kissing my hot husband.
There is also a good chance I am buying way too many outfits from western boutiques.

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